Our Ministries
The overall goal of all of our Departments is to make good on the Adventist promise to help everyone understand the Bible and find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus.

Children's Ministry
Welcome to our Children's Ministry department! Our mission is to provide spiritual, social, and mental growth opportunities for all children in our church aged 0-14. We believe that each child is disciple of Jesus, and we strive to make sure that all church programs reflect this belief. We also aim to educate parents and impact the community through our work.

The Communication Department plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between the Administration and all departments of the Church, as well as reaching out to the community. Our aim is to effectively the Church's message to both internal and external audiences, utilizing all available media channels. We strive to produce content that is relevant to specific demographics within the respective publics.

Community Service
Part of being a good neighbor is providing services to our surrounding community.
Our Mission is to "serve communities in Christ’s name". We strive to provide services through the ministries of Disaster Response, Crisis Care/Disaster Response Chaplaincy Program, Youth Empowered to Serve, Tutoring and Mentoring Programs, Elder Care, and Community Development/Urban Ministry/Inner City Ministries."

Family Life Ministry
The Family Ministries Department is dedicated to strengthening and inspiring homes, bringing healing to married couples, families, and individuals through the abundant love and saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to prepare families for the Kingdom of God by helping to hasten the coming of Jesus Christ.

Health Ministries
It is God’s desire that each of us may have an abundant life (John 10:10), and that means abundance of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. These areas of our lives are all interconnected and cannot be neglected if we want to experience whole person health.

Mens Ministry
Mission Statement: Galvanize the energy and resources of men for God, Family, Church and Community.
Vision Statement: Men who love and have committed their energy and resources to God, Family, Church and Community.

Pathfindering is a club designed for children aged 10-15, sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. With nearly 2 million members worldwide, the club's dual objectives are to enlarge children's windows on the world and build a relationship with God. The club accepts any youth who promises to abide by the Pathfinder Pledge and Law, regardless of their church affiliation.